
About Wandering Chopstick

Back Story

I’m Minh and originally from the Washington, D.C. area and grew up in a traditional Vietnamese household. Food was always the center piece to all activities in my family. It was pretty typical that before one meal was over, discussions were being had about the next meal.

I’ve been cooking for fun for years but now I’ve made it my passion. I combine my love for travel with my passion for food and Wandering Chopstick was born. With travelled to many countries and even more cities around the world, I have found that food is the cornerstone to almost every culture.

How It All Started

It was my first trip out of the states on my very first backpacking trip to Europe. I was meeting my sister at the end of her Peace Corp tour and it was then when my palate opened up to all the amazing flavors of the world.

Tapas from Spain; pilsner beer in Prague; crepes in Paris; waffles in Belgium……oh the waffles in Belgium.

As time went out my curiosity grew. What else was out there? What other flavors haven’t I tried? I began to travel more; eat more; ask more questions; and that one day came.

It’s now time to share all of my travels, stories, and most importantly, recipes. Thus, Wandering Chopstick was born.

Maine Food Blogger

I just planted down in the Southern Maine area where it’s quiet, like, super quiet, friendly and lobster at every turn. The scenary is gorgeous, calming and endless, which is the perfect place for me to focus on me, recipes and cooking.