
Cooking holds a different meaning for each of us, and what it means to me might surprise you. Many of us have vivid memories from our childhood: playing at the local playground, the excitement of a family beach vacation, the jitters from a first job, or even the thrill of a first kiss. For me, the memories that stand out most vividly revolve around cooking with my mom.

The Young Me

My culinary journey began in the heart of our family kitchen. My dad is from Hue in central Vietnam, and my mom is from the southern part, Vinh Long. However, since my dad wasn’t much of a cook, our culinary traditions leaned heavily toward the southern style. The first dish that I remember assisting my mom with was the southern style egg rolls, a dish that remains close to my heart to this day.

The initiation into this culinary world began with a seemingly mundane task that Mom believed was foolproof. If by chance I made an error, it wouldn’t spell disaster. My task was to peel the skins off eggroll wrappers. It might sound straightforward, but the intricacies involved made it a challenge. The wrappers are prone to sticking, and a rushed job can easily lead to tears, rendering them unusable.

At the time, it felt like the most tedious chore, but looking back, I realize it was my first step into a world I would grow to love and cherish. Those early days of assisting my mom not only laid the foundation for my passion for cooking but also became a grounding force in my life.

Me and Mom in Vietnam

The Older Me

Growing up, the tasks entrusted to me became progressively challenging. From simple duties, I graduated to grilling and skewering meat. Until the moment I’d been waiting for arrived: Mom allowed me to join her in making wontons. She had a unique technique for crimping wontons, distinct from the traditional Chinese style. I still follow her method to this day, valuing it for the personal touch it adds, rather than focusing solely on aesthetic appeal.

It wasn’t until my 20s when I visited my younger sister at college and cooked for her and her friends that my relationship with food deepened. To my own critical taste buds, the dish was lackluster, but they thought it was delicious. It marked the beginning of my true appreciation for flavors and a newfound joy in sharing my cooking with others.

me and mom cooking in vietnam
The pivotal transformation occurred in my 30s when my travels took me around the globe. Experiencing diverse cultures and their cuisines, from which I had a profound insight: at its heart, food is simple. Despite traversing over a dozen countries and thrice as many cities, I observed that culinary brilliance often lay in simplicity. The most delectable, heartwarming dishes often comprise minimal yet perfectly harmonized ingredients. This epiphany reconnected me with my Vietnamese culinary heritage and kindled an appreciation for global flavors.

I am eager to share the culinary passion that was ignited in me by my mother so many years ago.